Hi there,
I am using `extraChIPs` for our ChIP data but seems that `makeConsensus` is not working
makeConsensus(peaks[accessions$E2], p = 2/3, var = "score")
Hello! It seems that `check_model()` is not working properly:
#defining a model
Dear VanLoo Lab,
I'm a beginner on dealing with methylation array data and I used "vignettes/methylation-data.html" as the protocol to see if I can reproduce the results on it. However, I did not m…
Hi and thanks for the great journal.
I was wondering if it was possible to submit an article that described multiple, but very closely related, software projects. Specifically I'm thinking about t…
I'm calculating the co-accessibility of a specified cell type using addCoAccessibility with 'cellsToUse'. However, there is no output of , and no error is reported in the log. Could you please…
Hi @grimbough, thanks for creating such a useful package! I have really been trying to figure this out on my own but I figured that I would ask about this here. I am trying to copy groups from one hdf…
I am able to run the ShinyArchRUiO just fine on my local development server. However when I copy the entire ArchR project directory onto my production server and run the initialization, I get t…
I get the following error when running enrichIT:
> ES.Tcells
I have 12 multiome Seurat objects that I want to merge into one. I followed the merging object tutorial here: https://stuartlab.org/signac/articles/merging.html#creating-a-common-peak-set .…
HDF5 [does not natively have a boolean format](https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/hdf5-quest.html#bool). h5py (and by extension pynwb) handles this by creating an enumerated type with an underlying dat…