Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13
Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13
It seems the server crashes when nmap is used when scanning the ports.
![screen shot 2018-05-24 at 15 09 13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/738681/40490831-90448e4e-5f64-11e8-8…
Попробовать уйти от работы с QMetaObject при работе с базой данных.
Попробовать составить макросы, для работы с базой данных.
Ветка разработки feature/#13
`_kendall_p_exact` is no longer at `mstats_basic._kendall_p_exact`, at least in scipy v 1.13.0
It seems to now be at `mstats._mstats_basic._kendall_p_exact`.
We probably need an import check whe…
Unknown notation provided
![Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 5.53.40 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/domaxi/pe/main/files/bac60e78-f203-4b66-b339-0529cf4ff68a.png)
Check thresholds/etc.
Should be done ahead of 13 Aug release.
This may be more appropriate to an SBND issues/PR: link here and close this as needed.
I am using these functions in the code to return the SUN and TRUE_NODE (north node):
CoordinatesWithSpeed posSun, posNorthnode;
posSun = Sweph.swe_calc_ut(jd, HeavenlyBody.SE_SUN, SwephFlag.SEF…
Line 13 in text_removal.py should be this:
`from hamlet.tools.image import check_text`
`from hamlet.tools.image import checek_text`