Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13
Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13
It seems the server crashes when nmap is used when scanning the ports.
![screen shot 2018-05-24 at 15 09 13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/738681/40490831-90448e4e-5f64-11e8-8…
Попробовать уйти от работы с QMetaObject при работе с базой данных.
Попробовать составить макросы, для работы с базой данных.
Ветка разработки feature/#13
Will not connect to GSPro but connects to MLM2pro and starts up GSPro but acts like it is communicating with GSPro. What am I doing wrong.
I have an Azure Linux App Service running with `code deployment` and `Always On: False`. The app service works as expected right after deployment, and failed with 503 errors after a certain amount of …
In GitLab by @Popolechien on Apr 3, 2019, 13:38
A useful tool for school deployments.
hi,dawm: mmdet 安装时mmcv的版本是多少呢?我安装了mmcv(1.7.1),mmdet( 2.26.0), 但是会有报错ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mmcv._ext'
Constructors should not be in charge of data validation
![Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 17.29.14.jpg](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/howtoosee/pe/main/files/a618fb20-20c1-4962-a84a-fc91b54d6ca1.jpg)
Revisar el diseño de la interfaz para analizar cómo personalizarlo para ajustarlo a los intereses del cliente.
- Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/bellopauste/…