It seems the server crashes when nmap is used when scanning the ports.
![screen shot 2018-05-24 at 15 09 13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/738681/40490831-90448e4e-5f64-11e8-8…
Попробовать уйти от работы с QMetaObject при работе с базой данных.
Попробовать составить макросы, для работы с базой данных.
Ветка разработки feature/#13
Will not connect to GSPro but connects to MLM2pro and starts up GSPro but acts like it is communicating with GSPro. What am I doing wrong.
![screen shot 2016-10-24 at 10 44 13](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/617994/19650312/d4474b22-99d6-11e6-98bd-54f18d440500.png)
Instead of a gray square
Possible sources:
- [MozFest Flic…
Add frontend for the blog, add frontend based on vue framework, put all data to `frontend/` folder.
- [ ] In "intro", instrument #40's volume envelope loop plays faster than it should compared to playback on the GBA
- [x] Both "title" and "gallery" fail to load due to inaccurate wave parameter map …
Proposal for new function. Would solve tasks like 13, 120 and many others I think.
![Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 5.25.40 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PrestonTYR/pe/main/files/1cb4398a-ba31-40f6-8352-f81f3f666b39.png)
the word see is spelt wrongly
Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13
Add support for iLBC codec
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `boss...@yahoo.fr` on 4 Oct 2010 at 7:13