marwan remove elly fe page w 7ot deh
Students Competition
A students’ competition will be held as a main part of the conference activities, and submissions will be evaluated on merit, structure, clar…
talk 3
title: enabling bioinformatics applications on cloud computing
Ahmed …
Workshop 2 --> bnfs el tare2aa
Title : Devices used for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Research:
Transform and submit for migration the following ERA communities/collections:
CCI Press
China Institute
Comparative Literature
Dept. of Art and Design
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Dept. of Chem. &…
**Reported by miguel on 28 Feb 2013 08:57 UTC**
Define the content of a methods paper describing the work I have done with LRI so far (probably targeted at a biomedical engineering journal). To includ…
see here: https://www.researchgate.net/requests
(when logged in as me).
All using Shangsi's MNR
gkiar updated
9 years ago
Pingpong code:
#include "mpi.h"
#define NUMBER_OF_TESTS 10
int main( argc, argv )
int argc;
char **argv;
double *buf;
int rank;
int n;
jshu2 updated
9 years ago
elijah@picasso:~$ bash xnatmirror_env.sh
Src XNAT Host:
Src XNAT Proj: test_project
Dest XNAT Host:
Dest XNAT User: root
Dest XNAT Proj: test_project
Time: 2…
This repo does not have an index.html file in it's gh-pages branch, so when people go to http://swcarpentry.github.io/capstone-biomedical-engineering/ they get a 404.