@wei-juncheng Excuse me, I am currently studying for a computer science master degree. I'm really fascinated by your research and its results, just wondering which **research institute you are in** an…
[Recommendation systems for software engineering](http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=5235134) (2010, 45)
[Text mining stackoverflow: an insight into challenges and subject-related d…
Hi, I'm a senior at City College of New York majoring in Computer Science. I am intrigued by the mission of this project and would like to be a part of it. I have some knowledge of Javascript and woul…
### Enter calculator name -
Z Transform Calculator
### Describe calculator functionality -
The Z Transform Calculator takes a function fn defined over sigma operation as input and finds the Z T…
As a developer, I want my users to be able to learn something about computer science as they play the game, so I will add code puzzles to the game.
The two professional organizations in the (computer) technology field are the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), both of which…
Discussed and requested on gitter
We could easily add support for add multiple content types to Taxonomies (similar to how this is possible for menus, but restricting the content types via setting…
In this pull request, I propose adding string-based algorithms to enhance the functionality of the project. The algorithms implemented are Rabin-Karp, KMP. These algorithms are commonly used in comput…
From the book "The MDL Programming Environment":
> Most of the documentation subsumsed in this manual is from published and unpublished memos of the Programming Technology Division of the M.I.T. La…
Hi, two of my blog posts are relevant for this collection:
1. https://luckytoilet.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/applying-to-graduate-school-in-computer-science/
2. https://luckytoilet.wordpress.com/201…