`lenet.jl` example seems to run OK, but `lenet-stn.jl` segfaults.
$ julia -e 'versioninfo(); include("lenet-stn.jl")'
Julia Version 0.6.1
Commit 0d7248e2ff (2017-10-24 22:15 UTC)
If we are using docker container which created by following command line, it will only use numa node 1.
docker run --privileged --cpuset-cpus=40-79 --cpuset-mems=1 docker_image_name
I test mace_cc_benchmark over Xiaomi11 ultra phone which is rooted.
It is built with the command: bash tools/cmake/cmake-build-arm64-v8a.sh with android ndk:android-ndk-r21e
But it reporte…
Some applications expect a mask of cpus on which they isolate themselves (pktgen, testpmd). For the convenience of running such applications in cmk containers, it is useful to add allocated CPUs to th…
I am using Songbird stand alone, and it has worked perfectly until I ran into this issue using a very specific .biom file as input. This .biom file is a subset of samples from a "parent" .bi…
Every time I start the program, I get this error until a "Result accepted by the pool" message (eventually) pops up. I have tried everything I can think of. I've changed the timeout to 15 seconds up…
### Proposal to improve performance
_No response_
### Report of performance regression
_No response_
### Misc discussion on performance
estimated QPS is as follows:
Both `UR_DEVICE_INFO_UUID` and `UR_DEVICE_INFO_PCI_ADDRESS` return [`char[]`](https://oneapi-src.github.io/unified-runtime/core/api.html#ur-device-info-t). However, for PCI address, it is a pretty-pri…