We have received a request from Google to look at items that have the wrong date in header. The two examples they gave are items in the SANREM collection. Examples are
Crosswalk supports back to API14 so maybe give it a shot. That may be the lowest we can go and have a reasonable browser option
Imported from JIRA [DS-3499] created by pierre.lasou
In the OAI OpenAire Context any request for a record gives an "Error No matches for the query".
Ex: http://demo.dspace.org/oai/openaire?…
possibly a set of JSON files that gives rules about how to format URLs to get pdf, xml, etc. for each different publisher.
via #107 and previous chats about this
Define appropriate crosswalks for simple and qualified DC, healMeta and OpenAIRE.
How should we do this in terms of data model? Should we do it at all?
The OSM community frequently has discussions about how to teach new users to map better. This often takes the form of "new users are not drawing nice building outlines" and iD is usually made into a …
The harvester is transforming dates from YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY and outputting them in dc:date for Primo.
As of today, this is visible in the following sets:
The Academician (George Fox)
Lewis & Clar…
Currently the hyphen, separating 2 dates in a date range, is not replaced with a forward slash. This can be seen in date fields for DPLA (SourceResource dcterms:date) and those for Primo (OAI dc:date)…