Since ES6, there are tmplate strings surrounded by back-ticks (```). I think the `${...}` and the code inside should get a different colour than the string. The markup for ``text${code}text`` as gener…
The more I look at this problem, the more sure I am that documentation.js should no longer rely on module-deps, and instead implement dependency resolution via a Babel-based solution, or drop dependen…
### Before opening, please confirm:
- [X] I have [searched for duplicate or closed issues](https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/issues?q=is%3Aissue+) and [discussions](https://github.com/aws…
I believe recent versions of V8 have native support for ESM modules (https://v8.dev/features/modules). I don't _think_ this is bridged to V8Js via the `setModuleLoader` though (which perhaps just does…
# 前端开发sublimeconfig
### mac配置
### 插件列表
所有插件都可以使用Package Control安装,具体的安装方法可以自行谷歌安装,不在本文的介绍范围之内。也可以是使用git 手动安装。
### 1.[autoprefixer](https://github.com/sindr…
* 클래스는 문법적 설탕이 아니다?
-> 클래스를 썼을 때 확실히 더 좋은 경우가 있는지 궁금했음
## article1: [Please stop using classes in JavaScript](https://everyday.codes/javascript/please-stop-using-classes-in-javascript/)
### 내용요약
I've been thinking recently that making a switch over to pure JS (EcmaScript 6) would be a better choice to help contributors get used with the codebase.
The idea is to keep the current API and port …
mkxml updated
8 years ago
## Joathã Andrade Moura Barros
## Localidade
## Apresentação
Desenvolvedor dedicado , apaixonado por tecnologia e entusiasta open source.Sempre atento as tendências de merc…
Why is class an object?
I'm trying to use typedi on my project which is written by typescript and build it by using esbuild.
After build bundle using esbuild, there no source code I used @Service to inject.
Is there…