I have my homes in another location, than /home - e.g. /srv/home. So $HOME is set to "/srv/home/user".
Running qt-fsarchiver wont work with that - even not, when /home is a link to /srv/home.
So this app works great, has everything I need, but there's one big issue. I leave it minimized in the system tray, but I've noticed after a bit, or if I were to exit sleep mode, it stops working. Whe…
Observed on our staging server the following redacted output from `find /srv/pbench`:
At the moment our mongo adaptor hard-codes the `mongo+srv://` protocol in to the connection string. This is designed for hosted mongo databases (or any database hosted with [SRV](https://www.mongodb.c…
Since osixia/openldap-backup:1.2.3 is having some startup issue, I used 1.2.2 instead.
Here is my docker-compose.yaml. The two service works fine but ldap backup doesn't work.
No matter what cron…
Calling `fastwsgi.run` should block the main thread, but release the GIL, allowing other threads to run (I/O wait). However, the observed behavior is that all threads are blocked, implying the GIL is …
Hi there,
could anybody help me out..... I build the esplora following the instruction here :https://github.com/Blockstream/esplora#how-to-build-the-docker-image
and when I start the docker image …
I've setup service server on stm32 :
ros::NodeHandle nh;
void srv_callback(const custom_srv::AddTwoIntsRequest &req, custom_srv::AddTwoIntsResponse &res){
res.Sum = 2;
struct sockaddr_in srv;
struct sockaddr_in cli;
int sd1,cd1;
Ar trebui să pui ceva de genul:
bzero(&srv, sizeof(srv)) adică bzero(&srv, sizeof(stru…