## 💡 Summary
## 🙂 Expected Behavior
## ☹️ Actual Behavior
## 📝 Steps to Reproduce
Package version (if known): v12.0.5
## Describe the bug
When uploading a (larger?) file the progress isn't shown right. It goes from 0 to 1 to 2 ... 9 and then you see 0% again instead of 10%. The…
Package version (if known): v12-v13b1
## Describe the bug
Some search links for custom fields aren't correct. I haven't looked at all the custom fields so I don't know the full scope.
## Steps …
In the release: v12.2.0-alpha2 , the value in the go.mod is `module github.com/iris-contrib/swagger`
should it be `module github.com/iris-contrib/swagger/v12` ?
I can not download it in my pro…
Please, update module.json to have possible install module on Foundry v12 without ctrl-c ctrl-v
C:\Users\sonte\Documents\GitHub\eventray_onsite\node_modules\node-pdfium>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\no…
I receive this error when trying to install `AADInternals` on Mac v12.7.4:
`Install-Package: Package 'AADInternals' failed to be installed because: Access to the path '/tmp/f0dt1nhy/CommonUtils.ps1' …
In GitLab by @mclemente on Nov 28, 2023, 16:59
# Additions
- #94
- #95
- #96
- #97
- #98
# Changes
- [ ] Move "Hide X from sheet" settings onto the Sheet Configuration dialog.
- [ ] Add…
After updating HA to 24.8, and jumping to toolkit v16 this morning from v12 ( v14 was causing issues past days ), I got the error message in title.
Just upgraded to V12 and the latest version of D&D. Using 2014 rules.
Cannot see the HUD on screen when selecting either player or npc tokens (I've checked the display HUD toggle is on)
**Steps t…