## Describe the bug
I followed the guide [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/unity/tutorials/mr-learning-base-02?tabs=openxr) on setting up a Unity project for Hol…
The release version on Thunderstore does not function on its own, outputting the error messages "Failed to read data for the AssetBundle '...\BepInEx\plugins\Debo-LoLItems\items'." and "Failed to read…
在更新最新版本的 dll 后,先前自行重新打包的 .assetbundle 文件中的自定义字体失效。
请问在更新支持加载多个自定义 AssetBundle 的 feature 后,需要重新打包 .assetbundle 吗?
For a project I'm working on I have a masterbundle that is just treated as a kind of 'Resources' bundle and doesn't actually contain any assets.
I've been trying to fix it for a while now and finally…
### Are you on the latest version of AssetRipper?
Yes, I'm on the latest release of AssetRipper.
### Which release are you using?
Windows x64
### Which game did this occur on?
Hello, I would like to ask if it's possible to compile the character_table.json back to it's original Unity TextAsset format?
我也有解这些音频的工具, 但我不知道这个json文件里的内容是怎么得到的。
Kindly assist. Failing to run the grobid fulltext processor getting below are the errors from my log:
2024-05-06 16:04:21,633 ERROR: Error processing after-appointment.pdf: Grobid returned None
Hi again :)
When running Craft in headless mode, the `cpTrigger` config is set to `null`. Unfortunately, opening the different reports from the Overview panel does not work, as the links are set to e…
1. app.js中的package和scheme的内容
const packages = [{"package":"moment","version":"2.24.0","urls":["https://g.alicdn.com/mylib/moment/2.24.0/min/moment.min.js"],"library":"moment"},{"packag…