Tracking updates of www.twitch.tv
Moving my app from SQL to Oracle I notice that OracleParameter in Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client for some "peculiar" reason implements IDisposable, SqlParameter (Sql Server), NpgsqlParameter (Postgre…
name: Roneet Yadav
github_user_name: Dev-X-Innovate
discord_id: Roneet_04
### Dependencies
- #1730
- #542: ~Organizational Dashboard~
- #503: ~Google Analytics~
- After dependency is cleared, read through whole issue and either rewrite or make a new issue that has the …
## Description
This task involves integrating the Update Policy Status API into the Policy Portal. The API will allow users (administrators or authorized personnel) to update the status of a policy t…
# Definition and PO workshops
## Recap
- Improving access to therapy
- More information is needed about the process of finding a therapist (e.g. types of therapy)
- Barriers: cost, lack of informa…
Prometheus is signed up as part of the KubeCon [Security Slam](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/attend/experiences/#security-slam), so I just grabbed the checkli…
The Nextflow website is around 5 years old and we think it needs a bit of a polish up.
We are looking to redesign it and want input from the community.
Some initial ideas include:
* A more mode…
Tracking updates of help.netflix.com
### Prize category
Best Content
### Overview
The project aims to leverage the Impact Framework and its plugins to quantify the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with Zoom mee…