Error: caskroom/cask was moved. Tap homebrew/cask instead.
➜ ~ brew tap homebrew/cask
Old code:
`brew tap caskroom/cask`
Fixed code:
`brew tap homebrew/cask`
Error: Error: Cask 'consul' i…
I'll submit a PR if I do end up using acmeproxy. ;)
Being able to plug a different cert storage option[1] (s3, consul, etc.) would be helpful.
I'm currently using certmagic with consul storage[…
This looks good script but whenever I run the command always getting the help message display.
Following is the command I run.
python ./check-consul-health.py node --ServiceName=
When I run …
Using PROXY_ADDRESS breaks access to hashi-ui directly using http://ip:port address.
1. **Skip setting PROXY_ADDRESS**, configuration:
I get this warning when I require 'consul/client'
I'm using ruby 2.2.0
app@workers:/tmp$ cat test.rb
require 'rubygems'
require 'consul/client'
puts "ok"
app@workers:/tmp$ ruby test.rb
After upgrade 1.12.6 to 1.13+ (1.14.1 affected too) i see this picture
I'm using this role in a three servers scenario. I set the following env variables for an initial deploy
```root@consul-server-2:/home/ubuntu# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available…
It would be nice to be able to wait for an event before retrying, rather than polling. For example, when no healthy services are returned from consul a blocking query on consul could be issued, and th…
#### Overview of the Issue
When having an autoscaling group that is configured to use both ARM64 and AMD64 nodes, consul WebUI can load bundles from different instances types, and this prevent …
03.02.2018 02:51:28.308 ERROR [Akka.Cluster.Discovery.Consul.ConsulDiscoveryService, 944] - Couldn't retrieve collection of nodes from external service. Is current node unreachable? Shutting dow…