I'm trying to reproduce your experimental results on ImageNet, however I find that training resnet networks really takes super long time !!! So I want to know how much time did you use to train resnet…
Don't know whether this can be done easily but it would make life a bit easier on me (and possibly others). Many disk based software use multiple disks. Because I have my MSX images named in 8.3 forma…
#### User Story
As a public employee, I want to see ZIP CODE BOUNDARIES so that I can see them overlaid with other administrative districts like Council Districts.
#### Description
Add zip cod…
As a submitter of data to the HCA DCP, I would like to view Contact, Funder, and Publication metadata in the UI
As a submitter of data to the HCA DCP, I would like to view Funder, Contact, and Public…
Installed laste version 0.8.4 (if I'm not wrong)
Fedora 22 - x64
I've got:
events.js:141 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error: listen EMFILE at Object.exports…
Use this issue to track work related to evaluating [Playwright](https://playwright.dev/docs/intro) as a tool for frontend end to end testing. As a research spike, we'll time box this to one sprint. Do…
[designs in fIgma](https://www.figma.com/design/TrZT5EEaomB8NxOTkAqT7G/Metadata-Redesign?m=auto&t=8dkrb82EDSbkuEQb-6)
weasyprint (the python package we're using to convert html to pdf) has a helpful …
Install TurboPack/SysTools packages.
Resolve [dcc32 Fatal Error] SysToolsDR.dpk(32): E2225 Never-build package 'SysToolsDR' must be recompiled (15177) []
the library currently runs into an exception in line https://github.com/52North/sos-js/blob/master/web/js/SOS/SOS.Ui.js#L4067 when the capabilities document is empty (see below).
TypeError: this.…
nuest updated
10 years ago
Following the general HCA meetings in June 2022 (see [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ELPE_pEAHxmrbiE9uS8DCkHmV8naChxIqbuTOKSMcFg/edit)) we decided to work directly with the…