我想使 WebRTC 具有美颜功能,请问具体该如何实现呢?
比如我找到有 GPUImage 这个图像处理库,该如何结合到 WebRTC 上呢?
Hi, can you implement bitmap scaling based on ffmpeg libswscale, because it can choose between some algorhytms, like bicubic, bilenear, lancoz and others, if you can here is [abandoned project](https:…
T8RIN updated
11 months ago
## Bevy version
## What you did
I tried to use the `AsBindGroup` derive for a custom material that uses optional array textures:
#[derive(AsBindGroup, Reflect, FromReflect, De…
- [x] `GPUImageAddBlendFilter` -> `AddBlend.glsl`
- [x] `GPUImageAlphaBlendFilter` -> `AlphaBlend.glsl`
- [x] `GPUImageChromaKeyBlendFilter` -> `ChromaKeyBlend.glsl`
- [x] `GPUImageColorBlendFilter…
By some reason
and i even can't get it from gradle :(
I have a simple fragment shader that maps color from a lookup table to the corresponding pixels in the camera frame.
As you can see it's a simple fragment shader. The problem I face is that, there ar…
I can not install GPUImage using carthage. When you execute the carthage update command, the following error is output to the console.
$ carthage update --platform ios
*** Fetching GPUImage
Caused by java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: no static method "Lorg/wysaid/nativePort/CGENativeLibrary;.loadTextureByName(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/wysaid/nativePort/CGENativeLibrary$TextureResult;"
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/GPUImage.framework/GPUImage
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/6C9C98B2-35FE-4847-B7C8-D6D1B54B4E83/.app/
Reason: image not found
So, I'm using SCSwipeableFilterView on my project, it works well on all devices, when using SCSwipeableFilterView.
But, when I run on a iPhone X, my video gets stretched. For some reason, it does no…