for the most common cases and models, it will be good to create some generic partterns;
- res.partner (+ contacts)
- product ( + variants / attributes)
- import images on products
- supplier.info …
Will the project be providing more detailed bill of materials for some of the various mechanical configurations? A huge challenge for me getting started with experimenting with a new design is sourcin…
Allow users to get the registry supplier like `DeferredRegister`
- [Source URL](http://ocpo.treasury.gov.za/COVID19/Documents/LIMPOPO%20GOVERNMENT%20-%20SUPPLIER%20DIRECTORS%20-%20COVID-19%20-%20March%202020%20to%20June%202020.pdf)
- [Trusted Archive copy]() (Fill …
### Problem description
Recently bought the Tuya ultrasonic liquid level sensor (https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256807266442468.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.21ef1802lD5999&gatewayAda…
- **Problem Statement** NullAway checks not working for the below scenario with anonymous inner classes. Please find the code snippet for reference:
- **Code Snippet:**
class Helper{
There have been instances where we have incorrectly discarded invoices. To avoid this and In the following scenarios, create a soft parse_failure with reason = ‘Possible invoice to discard, double che…
I pickup S29GL512P for the flash of the cartdrige. client can't flash from sector #1.
I changed S29GL256P from another supplier. there is the same problem.
I'm getting `(node:38) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 job ttl exceeded listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit`
my Kue implemen…