1. Make sure that all the code in `deploy/` and `script/` have been correctly ported from `release-v0.2` branch to `feature/distributed-demo`. (cross-check PR #94) **- (Done)**
1. The "Admin" tab i…
**Parent Ticket:** https://github.com/Real-Dev-Squad/todo-action-items/issues/155
Update user status management on "My Site" to remove the ability for users to manually mark themselve…
What additional digram type is should be added to mermaid?
- PlantUML - usecase diagram
- PlantUML - component diagram
- PlantUML - object diagram
- Improved dot support
- other?
* Sequence diagrams offer a simple view of processes with actors and messages ordered in time.
* Many free online/desktop tools exists ( [ex1](https://sequencediagram.org/), [ex2](https://plantuml.…
과제 구현하시느라 고생 많으셨습니다. 제가 피드백 드리는 프로젝트 중에 가장 완성도가 높은 프로젝트인 것 같습니다. 크게 피드백 드릴만한 부분이 없지만, 좀 더 챙기면 좋을만한 부분을 피드백 드리자면 다음과 같습니다.
* API 명세서는 postman의 api documentation tool을 사용하신 것으로 보이네요. postman을…
Vinay you should create a use case based on Game 1 (or Game 2/Game 3)
requirements and turn the main success scenario into a UML Sequence Diagram.
o Make sure each SD is properly modeled using the co…
Amir you should create a use case based on Game 1 (or Game 2/Game 3)
requirements and turn the main success scenario into a UML Sequence Diagram.
o Make sure each SD is properly modeled using the con…