Algorithms in ```qpolgrad``` have been organized to define functions for loss calculation. Those functions are then called in the ```update``` function for the algorithm. A2C and PPO need to be brough…
Importing A2C agent from rlberry.agents.torch automatically tries to import optuna (which is not part of rlberry's install dependencies, but of "default" dependencies which are part of extra dependenc…
Hi, i want to use "num_envs" argument. When i command like "PYTHON_PATH scripts/rlgames_train.py task=ShadowHand num_envs=512", i got error message below. How can i use "num_envs" argument?
Thank you…
uniforms: ^3.10.1
uniforms-mui: ^3.10.1
type A1 = {
id_type: 'a1';
id: string;
type A2 = {
id_type: 'a2';
id: string;
type C = {
name: string;
I haven't found the official code of AD, but there's some new works based on it such as DPT which the authors have released their code. I'm confused if i missed the AD's code. Could you please provide…
Thank you for releasing this work! I was trying to run the humanoid example provided in the README, but consistently got this error:
Error executing job with overrides: ['task=HumanoidGPT', 'wan…
How to do hyper parameter tuning for SB3 algorithm such as PPO, A2C, DQN?
When going to flat mode, Piwigo doesn't follow the expected sort orders.
Let's imagine you have defined this manual order (for albums and for photos inside the 3 albums)
* album A
** album A2
I wrote an A2C have the same problem, is the problem of A2C?
`python demo_A2C_PPO.py --gpu=0 --drl=0 --env=6`
File "elegantrl/train/evaluator.py", line 176, in get_cumulative_rewards_and_steps
tensor_action = tensor_action.argmax(dim=1)