Selamat pagi, bung Nur Akhwan. Banyak pengguna OpenSID (https://github.com/OpenSID/OpenSID/, https://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenSID/) yang memerlukan fitur yg tersedia di aplikasi Asamurat anda.
Apakah perbedaan dari SSR dan SSG? Contoh kasus seperti apa yang cocok digunakan untuk masing-masing metode? Pros & cons nya seperti apa?
from ragas.llms.prompt import Prompt
from ragas import evaluate
from ragas.metrics import (
Pas di langkah terakhir
yg **php artisan make:useradmin**
kok muncul gini yah
solusinya gimana?
Failed creating user admin => PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 10…
Kodingan saya untuk select concat yaitu
return DataTables::use('tb_kelas')
->select("id, CONCAT(tingkat, abjad) as kelas")
->addColumn('action', function($data) {
Name: Ichsan Sting
Nim: 7708181034
Major: S1 Teknologi Rekayasa Multimedia
Github Account: https://github.com/ichsan-sting
Proposal Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19vu6-aTxZ1ED9ARyfHdfzX5P…
ghost updated
5 years ago
I tried to run the HiBench on only one node with Hadoop 2.7.1, Spark 1.3.1 and Java 1.7.
For the test "aggregation" and "join" I got the following error:
Prepare aggregation ...
Exec scri…
### Problem Statement
Nowadays remote model servers like AWS SageMaker, BedRock, or OpenAI, Cohere, etc all support batch predict APIs, which allow users to send large amount of synchronous request…
fatal error: require(): failed opening
The CTN-based base geography we are using for project components is not granular enough for sidewalk project data. Public Works and Corridor Program Office (CPO builds many sidewalks) would need to be…