I am experiencing exception in [1] when trying to submit a job. So far I am experiencing this issue with following providers;
1. stampede
2. lonestar
3. trestles.
I am using JGlobus 2.0.6-RC2.
Hi team,
1. please write instructions for Ubuntu 18.04
2. cannot start usermanagement service:
![Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 10 45 04 AM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42894144/7509…
Can one of you update the JS dependencies being notified by github security scans?
- Find out which would be an ideal database for storing/fetching DAGs
- This issue can be used for discussions.
Checklist for this task:
- [ ] Finalize a database ideal for this purpose.
- [ ] I…
Need to create integration tests for the Rails API with RSpec. Preferably all controller actions should be covered.
Please provide detail steps to check your CI/CD for this milestone.
Also, please add my key so that I can ssh into your instances and check your fault tolerance, my key is ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAA…
Using Whimsical to design the visual appearance and basic interaction of our application.
You need complete instructions on how I can test your submission. In particular, I don't know what you mean by "Job file" in the UI's Job configuration parameters.
You should assume I have zero kn…
I see that your application is coded into a single project directory. This could cause problems when you try to abstract UI and API and Middleware layers. Creating separate projects for different laye…
Your Milestone 4 wiki instructions have the following:
> *Storm Clustering Algorithm running on Mesos cluster. *
> ./bin/spark-submit
> \ --class src.main.scala.com.sga.stormclustering.Stor…