### Summary
I have a Vagrantfile that provisions three boxes running AlmaLinux 8 via libvirt, which use the Ansible provisioner to include this role.
I have no agent nodes, thus I'm not tainting…
**Describe the bug**
Error during initial ansible run, works fine on re-running provisioning
TASK [konstruktoid.hardening : Configure sshd using sshd_config.d] *************
fatal: [testbo…
### What happened?
Kubespray fails during deployment if the ip utility from the iproute2 package is missing on any node. This causes the [kubespray-defaults : Create fallback_ips_base] role to enco…
a7lan updated
1 month ago
hi first i want to say, nice work!
I have just stumbled across this project and implemted it into my ansible playbook, but i was really confused when nearly 24 (if i counted correct) task was execute…
### OSISM release version
### What's the problem?
Not sure if the WARNINGS / ERRORs are related to each other:
[WARNING]: Collection osism.manager does not support Ansible ve…
Since Ansible 2.11 there is support for argument validation within ansible via the ansible_specification.yaml.
Filling out the ansible_specification.yaml ensures that there is adequate documentatio…
This is a common one I see when attempting to first bootstrap a cluster with this collection, and template the main cluster.yml spec...
TASK [stackhpc.cephadm.cephadm : Template out cluster.yml]…
Performing `$ ansible-galaxy install davidwittman.redis` installs the dated version 1.2.9 of the role from Ansible Galaxy. This version has issues like using deprecated modules `ansible.builtin.includ…
We want to run tasks that only change users or queues on our production brokers. Even if the user changes other settings it only should change the tasks with the tag. I see that the pla…
### Summary
Some of the modules suggested in this issue https://github.com/ansible-collections/amazon.aws/issues/2280 have been migrated and it is those remaining that will be migrated in a future ma…