### Please, describe what you get
Crashes on
`runtime| Critical Error:Missing Symbol| Name: whrS4oksXc4#IB#t Lib: libSceFont Mod: libSceFont`
### Game version you are using
### Current gam…
I can use lookup filter to Still photos. But don't know how to use look filter over a Video.
Is there any way to add lookup filter in AVPlayer?
Just a recommendation to expose preventsDisplaySleepDuringVideoPlayback (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avplayer/2990522-preventsdisplaysleepduringvideop?language=objc) as part…
Without start AVPlayer downloading never start. I want to download media(audio/video) without play.
Initial requested under https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/issues/11203. Please advise the plan for the feature to be available under Media3.
Content steering is a new feature of both HLS and DAS…
I was trying to stream a HLS manifest URL with AES - 128 encryption enabled. The video content is not coming properly. Most of the time, its playing with empty content. Need to try LoadStream for mult…
I'd like to know if it is possible to adjust the playback rate with PlayerKit. An `AVPlayer` has the property `rate` with which you can adjust this, cf. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfou…
Hello, I’m looking for a way to always play in fullscreen for IOS. I noticed that the player is using AVPlayer for IOS. AVPlayer has a method called `entersFullScreenWhenPlaybackBegins` but I’m not su…
#### Description
26-Apr-2016 04:19 PM
When playing a video through AVPlayer, if you go offline and then background the app, when resuming the player continues to play the buffered content b…
Say a file at com.com/file.mp4
It's 1000 seconds long
I have not downloaded it before.
Of course, to play it fast! - playing it from the start - you do this:
let i = CachingPlayerItem…