The makeclusters3.pl script was not found. Can you provide it?
I used the following command to calculate PRS of a sequenced file coming from a collaborator. I imputed the vcf file which gave me separate vcf files for each chromosome. I then converted them to bgen…
At https://wiki.foone.org/w/VGA_Flag_Language you state "to be used in VGAPride". Did you already convert (some of) the flags to that language, or is it too early for that? I'd like to write a parser …
Hi @filipematias23,
I added more VIs to the Indices.txt file used to run the fieldIndex function.
When i run this code;
I get "Segmentation fault" when trying to index:
2bwt-builder ref.fa
Segmentation fault
Could the version of the conda installations or java be relevant?
## Game info
VNDB link: https://vndb.org/v21552
Developer: Smee
Release date: 2017-07-28
Original title: Making*Lovers
English title (if available):
## Details
Game Request
A bug for `--geno` is a bgen file with code like below:
``` bash
python /home/xutingfeng/github_code/others/polyfun/finemapper.py --geno data.bgen --sumstats polyfun_sumstats.tsv --chr 1 --start 15…