If they had as much uptime as Gox's API, I would suggest adding these for what some mi…
Currently, when sending or debonding all your ROSE balance, it is difficult to enter the exact amount since it can be rounded and you will not type it in entirety. I suggest we add a *100%* button in …
Hi, I tried your repo in my little crypto project
I use ccxt:
const ccxt = require('ccxt')
let log = require('electron-log')
let to = require('await-to-js')
async withdraw(currency, amou…
Need to figure out how to handle exceptions when wrong currency is passed to the trading module (can do only EUR and USD). [Lamassu-bitstamp](https://github.com/lamassu/lamassu-bitstamp) does not have…
Je propose qu''un cashout en crypto dans le cadre de biens ou services soit automatiquement valorisé en FIAT avec le taux en vigueur au lieu de devoir le spécifier en paramètre du fichier la valeur en…
Please make sure that this is a Bug or a Feature Request and provide all applicable information asked by the template.
If your issue is an **implementation question**, please ask your question on [St…
I was wondering if there was anyways to update the code to get things like RSI, MACD and other technicals that are based on the tick-by-tick prices and historic data. So get live RSI essentiall…
$ rbtc
/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.0@demo/gems/activesupport-4.1.0/lib/active_support/number_helper.rb:3:in `': uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Autoload (NameError)
from /home/user/.rvm/ge…
Hi what do you think about adding these 2 exchanges?.
very many of my friends are sitting on gate.io. exchange old and proven volume real,there is also a spot with a large volume.
"Btcc" exchange h…
I am using Bitstamp.
I am getting the trades with fetchMyTrades method and have noticed that there are trades that don't have order (orderId).
I saw in docs from the trades' structure that: