How do I convert pkl to fbx or bvh, I tried utilizing VIBE but it still doesn't work. Looking forward to your reply, thanks!
- Require that a BVH have at most 1 triangle per bound which removes an internal for loop
- Fix build logic so the BVH is arbitrarily split into individual triangles until the leaves if no split is…
Upgrade the logic in point cloud example to be officially supported and adjust the BVH building logic to support points and improve the memory footprint over the example workaround that uses degenerat…
Hi, can you please describe the inference config file.
phase: test
num_joint: 22
weights: ./pretrain/shape_aware.pt
device: [0]
save_path: ./save/inference/
k: 0.8
After reading https://github.com/FORTH-ModelBasedTracker/MocapNET/issues/114, downloading, unzipping and re-initializing (for the 7th time) I still get very low speed.
Live (webcam) demo:
Use the geometry with fewest triangles to perform the intersction primarily and avoid unnecessary transforms?
Could you make a converter bvh to vmd?
This is not really an issue, more like an encouragement. PoseNet to BVH is a brilliant idea. Just imagine being able to convert human motion from classic silent films to 3D animation. I can understand…
https://github.com/playcanvas/engine/pull/4637 implements ray mesh-intersection. However, for animated scenes, it only refits the bvh when the mesh updates. This will result in the bvh losing quality …
was wondering if there is a easy way to export the data to mocap or bvh file per person