- [x] Find reputable style guides for C# and Unity and link to them here or the Wiki
- [ ] Discuss style guides. Agree on project/team standards
- [x] Document Standards in the Wiki for future …
**As a** Project Manager,
**I want** there to be a set of coding standards to which all developers adhere to,
**So that** there is a consistent coding style making it easier for developers to devel…
Fix the code for the WordPress Coding Standards:
The code has numerous dependencies that makes the code not reusable and is not scalable. The documentation about accessing the contents of the yes file is poor as well.
consolidate indentation/whitespace/linebreaks, etc.
- [x] follow/enforce [Symfony coding standards](https://github.com/djoos/Symfony-coding-standard) for PHP code
- [ ] use [ESLint](https://eslint…
Jag skulle föreslå att kursen följer någon kodstandard, både i C och Java, för att se till att koden blir tillräckligt strukturerad. Man bör åtminstone ha några exempel och rekommendationer för att un…
This provides a place to discuss the merits of choosing a coding standards reference to which we can adhere, as well as tools we may use to enforce it.
We currently use [Hound CI](https://houndci.com…
Which coding standards/PEP guides are you planning to adhere to.
As this is a python library aimed at python users(presumably) the [PEPs ](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/) would be a good place to s…
It appears that you have your setup working so that upon save it will check the drupal coding standards as well as syntax. Can you document the setup of that process?
OK, so looking at the code again now, I would want to do some of the code a little more tidy and readable, do some more comments, and be up to date with the latest Drupal coding standards. When we hav…