As reported to arXiv, users who have submitted from the CVPR conference have noted an order of magnitude growth in file sizes. This seems to be caused by the `pdfcompresslevel=0` variable on line 349.…
Congratulations on your CVPR acceptance! It is an interesting work, may I ask when will you release your code? Thanks
### Problem to solve
- Sampling uniformly over the space of rotations is often needed for robotic planning.
- Thus possible interfaces can be `rand_SO3`, `rand_SE3`, `rand_Sim3`, `rand_RxSO3`.
- …
非常感谢团队的出色工作。论文中有提到将repvit用于depth antything 编码器得到指标提升。
我将repvit用于单目深度估计模型当中,把新的repvit骨干输出的图像shape,进行下采样、切片操作然后输入进去原来模型,与baseline(编码器为2022 cvpr mpvit)相比,指标仍有较大差距。
Thank you for your attention!
Please download the datasets for coco classification setup in [here](https://anu365-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/u6854640_anu_edu_au/EVwMYZdEYodCtRtGeiVR1doBUnExq…
Cowboys, Why hasn't anyone studied how to generate mesh with AI?
# FedSM
* **Title:** Closing the Generalization Gap of Cross-Silo Federated Medical Image Segmentation
* **Venue:** CVPR 2022
* **Link to paper:** https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2022/html/…
Hello, I saw the relevant code about AUGFPN (AugFPN: Improving Multi-scale Feature Learning for Object Detection (CVPR 2020)) in your repo. Can this part work normally?
I'm quite interested in following your work after reading your paper. But I ran into some issues.
Where can I get datasets in paper ?
How to replicate your quantified result in paper?
I wil…