I tried to fork it but it does not works on .net6, the masterfile does not change anything, IP still always same.
QRCode class is not visible on net6.0 targeted web app projects
## Type of issue
[x] Bug
## Possible Solution (optional)
### Describe the Bug
We have a few APIs built with netcoreapp3.1 framework and they all are running well in AWS Linux containers with sdk:3.1-alpine.
`FROM mcr.docker.internal.cba/dotnet/core/sdk:…
Examples_FreeScheduler_Dashboard 不能直接运行?
I installed VSCode through Flatpak, and followed the instruction in the first run text file, but VSCode as well as VScode-OSS both do not detect the Flatpak sdk extension.
I tried both `FLATPAK_EN…
### Describe your idea/feature/enhancement
All other language run-times support the `--use-container` option for `sam build` except dotnet runtimes. With the addition of [build images for dotne…
I am trying to run EpcEmuServer like a Daemon on Debian. I created a service with systemd, EcpEmuServer start but systemd will be not aware if EcpEmuServer is started and systemd timeout and rest…
There are a bunch of failures that are always happening in the aspnetcore-helix-matrix, mostly involving template tests. These are only happening on the Arm64v8 and Debian.9.Arm64.Open queues.
So I use Nez since its a nice addon to Monogame and works great with dotnet6.
And I wanted to use MGUI as it has to many features to easy setup UI inside of the game.
Since it took me some minutes t…
Hi Team,
when compiling in my MSVS 17 preview 3.1, I get a compilation error that `PInvoke.User32` cannot be found. Could it be fixed?
Thank you