I've just seen this project so there might already be something in place, but is there a way to define custom validation to enforce business rules on creating and editing entities? An integr…
It's time to build up our Application Logic and organize our code.
## Tasks
- [ ] Get to know about Vertical Slice Architecture.
- [ ] Get to know about CQRS
- [ ] Get to know the [MediatR Lib…
add validation to the incoming data
В этот проект можно положить следующую логику:
1. Генерация Guid
2. Взаимодействие с внешними системами (IdenityServer4, SMTP server etc)
3. Интеграция разных библиотек - MediatR, FluentValidation …
If the `rule()` would have another overload that takes a lambda then this would work. Much like FluentValidations for .NET
val personValidator: AsyncValidator[Person] =
# Data Validation | 平屋慢生活
(ノ ´ ヮ ´)ノ 在各種應用程式的開發中,資料的準確性和安全性是至關重要的。特別是當談到 API 服務時,有效的資料驗證不僅是保障系統運作正常的基石,更是保證用戶體驗流暢的重要因素… (¯﹃¯)zzz (メ ゚皿゚)メ資料驗證很重要! (´・ω・`)? (ꐦಠ ಠ)你知不知道你的 API
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## Config Migration Needed
- […
It seems strange to require .critical() on each rule when failfast is already enabled - just wanted to file a suggestion to consider changing this design to not require the extra .critical() call