Referencia UK: https://country.register.gov.uk/register
# **Blender and OS versions**
Blender 2.90.1 on Windows
# **Describe the bug**
Unable to import some geotiff but works with QGIS.
With DEM raw data build, this error occurs :
# :bulb: Task
## :busts_in_silhouette: Role
## :point_up: Want
Update URL/API
## :+1: Result
To Get correctly the weather information
## :ok_hand: Criteria
- Must use new SMN API…
Hi, a lot of thanks for this amazing plug in. I've been trying to develop a 3d topographic map and encountered a problem when importing a texture in my mesh. I have broken down my topomap into several…
incorporate processing failures into a notification system. probably use SNS ('ls4-error' topic already exists for maintenance issues going to devs). could notify from the code with specific issue ari…
The ctl+f 'temp' window is clearly not that temporary - if contains things like georeferencing imagery and GPS injection which are pretty standard functions for plenty of use cases.
Can we rename t…
#### Issue details
Geo Ref Images:
Browse log, select either .bin or .log then click Pre-Process. The output is displayed. Click 'GeoTag Images' button. Output shows 'GeoTagging...' then nothin…
Instale todo en Docker, perfecto, y luego corri la instruccion para generar los indices de provincias, localidades, municipios, calles y todo lo demás...
Probando a API Rest …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\work\myai\shp2coco\tif_process.py", line 154, in clip_mask_with_grid
self.dataset, j*clip_size, i*clip_size, save_path)
File "D:\work\myai\shp2co…