Hi there 👋
I've just started to use this extension to design some APIs and so far it's been really great, it works amazingly well and has saved me quite a lot of time.
But I've encountered a li…
Your parser gives error when there is `\"\"` in JSON value.
`{"test": "one \"\"two\"\" three"}`
I managed to avoid error replacing `\"\"` with `\"` before parsing JSON. But it would be nice …
1. 可以指定对象出现的帧的区间
2. 可以定义对象的行为,对象的运动轨迹曲线 (目前暂时只实现了对象可以沿着二次函数曲线运动,y=ax^2+bx+c)
3. 实现了,圆,文本,矩形,线,射线,图片等对象
"type": "circle",
Please how to not include null & default values using TSuperRttiContext?
Best regards.
I have attached a simple bit of code which will show the problem.
If call SetEveryoneFullPermissions({file or folder path}) when calling setentriesinacl you receive the error no entries were set
Работал над плагином. Через доступ к списку *недавних* открыл `cudatext.py`. Сразу после открытия получил
I want to build an extensive test suite to cover all possible "variants" for an algorithm. I ended declaring my "Test Cases" in an External JSON file and my "RunTests" methods just read that file, ins…
DUtil uses superobject for JSON support. Now Delphi RX has a built-in support for JSON. We might consider decouple the superobject integration.
Hi there Thomas im programming in Firemonkey programming for MultiDevice on Delphi 10.2 Community Edition and trying to parse this http://qs.quantumsoftware.co.za/tmp/songs.json however i keep gettin…