We need to think out some points system for people. Making good polls should give more points, as well as participating.
Karma tests seem to run fine locally, but regularly fail in the Git action environment. This causes productivity slowdowns when trying to approve and deploy PRs.
I have not been able to identify ye…
During discussions with the Gnome maintainers (https://github.com/packit/user/issues/18), a feature request appeared to be able to notify package maintainers about situations that require the maintain…
Create an algorithm which does not allow for abuse of the karma system. This will likely take the form of limiting upvoting/downvoting a user so many times in a certain time span.
hello douglas,
do you maybe think (or tried) about how easy is to add karma-jspm into this stack? At this moment, I am trying to make it work on ci.testling.com but Im not sure will I succeed because…
- Should karma expire?
- How to distribute existing karma?
As part of #69, I want to set up some Karma tests so once quirks are found, we can create some tests to make sure we don't regress later. These would be in addition to Acceptance Tests for cross brows…
test runner karma 사용
meanjs, meanio, yo_angular-fullstack 에서도 사용하고 있는 karma적용해보자.
Setting `webpack.devtool = 'cheap-module-source-map'` shows unreadable paths while debugging tests.
For example:
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at MovementSystem.resolveCell…
Currently borked for apollo