Best string algorithms:
- [x] ~~String Hashing~~
- [x] ~~Rabin-Karp for String Matching~~
- [x] ~~Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt~~
- [x] ~~Z-function~~
- [x] ~~Suffix Array~~
We need implementation of Rabin-Karp Algorithm.
Files are located in **./src/String Matching/Rabin-Karp Algorithm.cpp**
In TDigest.java: https://github.com/prestodb/presto/blob/543e46c356dc22625b0d244ca1c3b5a9748c4b0b/presto-main/src/main/java/com/facebook/presto/tdigest/TDigest.java#L357
The double comparison only …
1, 2, 4, 16, 28, 36, 39, 41, 47, 61, 64, 75, 78, 79, 81
See *Knuth. TAOCP Volume 1: 2.2.3 Linked Allocation*. I do not think he considers breaking ties consistently there.
Add support for Unicode aware line breaking according to UAX #14.
dfrg updated
6 months ago
Characters with accents display funny. Any workarounds? Thanks
Example: `multiplicación` instead of `multiplicación`. Example document: [http://knuth.uprrp.edu/~rarce/tgh.html](http://knuth.uprrp.ed…
In the Knuth-Plass article, the parameters used for typesetting *Seminumerical Algorithms* are given:
> the consecutive-hyphens and adjacent-incompatibility demerits were α = γ = 3000
The defaul…
Initial Text starts without matching the line length constraints. See 5th line.
How to procedure with the algorithm when the initial text doesn't respect the contraints?
It does not keep the correctne…
Existing countermeasures (Markku's blinding, Ziggurat pattern masking) need to be expanded as per discussions with Ayesha and from Seamus' Ziggurat work.
1. Markku's blinding will be modified to us…