# Cloud Computing Presentation
## From WiscKey to Bourbon: A Learned Index for Log-Structured Merge Trees
### Paper
- From OSDI20
- Wisconsin ADSL
- Learn Index (Started in 2017)
### Backgrou…
### Describe the project you are working on
I've needed this feature in many projects but currently, I'm needing a way to store player statistical information such as in-game stats to be displayed on…
### 数据库的书以下面两本为主:
### 其他的参考书:
The performance of kvell is much better than rocksdb, which makes me interested in learning this project. When I was reading your paper, I saw in the implementation part of the paper that kvell implem…
DDIA(Designing Data Intensive applications) 是 2017 年 [Martin Kleppman](https://martin.kleppmann.com/) 写的书。之前看见这本书的时候惊为天人。这本书把数据库领域的知识梳理的非常通透且浅显易懂。这次重新看这本书,打算做一个笔记,记录并阐述自己的理解。
**Describe the bug**
Getting error when trying to migrate from goleveldb to versionDB.
Error message:
Error: failed to initialize database: Corruption: VersionBuilder: Cannot add table fil…
Problem写密集负载的键值存储已经成为一个非常重要与实际的需求,传统的硬盘组织文件数据结构B+ Tree在这个场景下存在很多问题。其中对性能最大的影响就是因为新数据插入树后,节点进行分裂,逻辑上连续的数据在物理块区上不连续,从而造成了大量的随机I/O操作,又由于硬盘的物理特性(尤其是HDD的磁头运动,需要寻柱面、寻磁…
目前常见的存储引擎基本可以分为两种类型,一种是索引+日志类型,写操作可以简化为日志追加,然后更新索引。另外一种是 page-based storage,像 B-Tree 系列的。这两种方式各有优劣。
##### at 2006-01-30 12:21:01 Jan Noordam reported:
some desirable LSM features