Generating high-resolution, photo-realistic images has been a long-standing goal in machine learning. Recently, Nguyen et al. (2016) showed one interesting wa…
leo-p updated
7 years ago
I thought it'd be nice to do some introductions here, to connect GitHub IDs to names and faces during the meetings. I'm Levi, I'm an assistant professor of Biostatistics at the CUNY SPH in New York, a…
This thread is used to explain users the change of deprecating the `noisemodel` in `ps.Model` and `noise` argument in `ml.solve` and `ml.initialize` methods. The error messages are linked to this issu…
I tried to reproduce the documentation examples but run repeatedly into segmentation faults
that I don't know how to debug.
I assume this is due to some version incompatibilities but randomly pinn…
The tuning parameters of the Barker proposal (at a minimum a scalar step size and potentially a diagonal or dense preconditioner) would ideally be adaptively tuned in a initial warm-up stage of the ch…
This is an update to issue #893 which was closed because XLA compile was failing making apples to apples comparisons impossible. XLA compile was fixed with #908 and I include updated benchmarks here.…
Hello , i want to use Diffrax for Bayesian inference of parameters in numpyro. However, as soon as i change the StepsizeControler from ConstantStepsie to DPIController i get an error. Changing the max…
When requesting the most recent articles via the /metadata endpoint it appears the definition of "recent" is not sufficiently documented :-)
The following request:
> https://api.arxiv.org/metada…
Instead of checking that the sum is one, `UnitSimplex` seems to check that it's _at most_ one:
julia> [0.3,0.6] ∈ UnitSimplex(2)
julia> [0.3,0.7] ∈ UnitSimplex(2)
julia> […