## Context
To help visual learners learn how to perform tasks using the Mattermost mobile app, add visuals and short animated GIFs on the [Convert public channels to private channels](https://docs.…
When I log out of the account, it throws an error. May I ask how to solve this or provide an idea to troubleshoot. I provide screenshots of both the error message and the mobile phone configuration as…
### Purpose
See if there are better alternatives to Slack's free plan that we are currently using
### Options
- Slack: message history limitations
- Tell everyone not to put anything important on…
#### Summary
The app, over the past year has continued to degrade and become agonizingly slow over the course of a week or so of usage. I, and numerous other people at my organization, have been f…
## Context
To help visual learners learn how to perform tasks using the Mattermost mobile app, add visuals and short animated GIFs on the [Join and leave channels](https://docs.mattermost.com/colla…
**[Figma Prototype](https://www.figma.com/proto/KVLxQCS7eYLAvdalaJCqs2/MM-39688-Message-Input-Improvements?page-id=1366%3A50771&node-id=1366-50832&t=KU5oAm8RXYG2mZZE-0&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling…
## Context
To help visual learners learn how to perform tasks using the Mattermost mobile app, add visuals and short animated GIFs on the [Rename channels](https://docs.mattermost.com/collaborate/r…
#### Summary
On Mattermost mobile, I'm not able to create a new category
#### Steps to reproduce
On Mattermost Mobile:
1. Click on the left main menu
2. Click on CHANNELS kebab menu (the th…
## Context
To help visual learners learn how to perform tasks using the Mattermost mobile app, add visuals and short animated GIFs on the [Communicate a channel’s focus and scope](https://docs.matt…
#### Summary
When you search for a user in mobile app, you have to type their full name starting with capitalised letter
### Environment Information
Android 10
Mattermost Mobile Version: 2.5.1 (…