Alpha-Beta-Pruning und Minimax im Stroetman-Scrip-Stil dokumentieren
I am new to ml agents , i have made a turn based chess like game in which i am using minimax algorithm with alpha beta pruning for AI. I dont know how to use Ml Agents for my purpose , kindly hel…
It's a pitty Bagatur (v2.3) does not play the endgame well without TBs .. in this position Bagatur draws with Black !?
Python Chess AI does not work for >=3 depth minimax with or without alpha beta pruning. So far minimax works for up to depth 2 with no alpha beta pruning.
Implementing a minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.
Not sure why, but the bot runs pretty much instantaneously at a search depth of 2, but when I change it to 3 in config.py, it bogs down to the point where within a few turns, it loses on time. I might…
AI is rather "dumb" uses a point made system currently to reach goal of "check mate" improvement needed to make an overall smarter AI.
an improvement in using Dijkstra's algorithm for "…
I would like the bot to keep track of the timer, because I made many modifications to the state evaluating algorithm and my bot sometimes runs out of time. So I would like to make it skip some s…
Fer el joc de 4 en ratlla.
Funciona exactament igual que el tres en ratlla (amb la fase de sala i tot), però amb la funcionalitat del 4 en ratlla fent que el jugador pugui escollir la columna a la qu…
1. 增加beam search
2. 改善效能,讓DFS + minimax + alpha-beta-pruning可以搜深一些
3. 待新增