Подключить к плате компас, акселерометр и гироскоп. Написать скетч для проброса значений по COM-порту.
Hello Kris!
First of all thank you for your great work and for sharing knowledge so other can learn!
I am new with the MPU-6050 and I am trying to understand the auto calibration process that yo…
Add an IMU to the turret to track rotational movements and to monitor heading position
After this, implement PID control system issue
I calibrated the AK8963 magnetometer.
Then I rotated the AK8963 the 360 degrees. Here is X-Y view.
ghost updated
7 years ago
Hello to everyone and sorry for the following (stupid) question,
I've been searching for hours how to get the yaw values from my mpu 6050 in order to complete a proyect. Then I discover this fabolous…
There is a problem with RazorIMU + MPU6050 combo. In steamvr, roll axis line is fixed to the default front direction. So it works fine when i look forward but when i look sideways, roll axis does not …
specs à définir
constexpr float SIG_W_A = 0.05f;
// Std dev of gyro output noise (rad/s)
constexpr float SIG_W_G = 0.00175f;
// Std dev of Accelerometer Markov Bias
constexpr float SIG_A_D = 0.01f;
// Corre…
I am currently working on a mobile robot project, in which I want to implement ROS Navigation to be able to set goal pose and avoid obstacles. The main problem is, that I don't have a Kinect or a lase…