This package (**chrisboulton/php-diff**) is abandoned and not supported for several years. There's 167 other packages that forked from this root repo, but they are ugly. Most of them doesn't contain a…
# This is huge!!!
Makes XSS and SQLI seem like way too much effort in comparison.
## Exploit: PHP include & require exposes the current context to the included file.
i.o.w. you have unrestricted ac…
I'm not able to get any file that uses Namespaces extensively. A single Namespace is acceptable but longer Namespaces are ignored.
Any chance of getting this fixed or know of a workaround?
If anyone else like me is willing to win a few more months before replacing this package :laughing: here's a drop-in replacement fork:
It supports Laravel 10 & …
Dear Devs,
Composer can't load the subject class.
Please generate separate php files per namespaces/classes in under proper directory path.
``` php
I try to add module WPS but I get an error after installing lizmap-wps-web-client into docker lizmap-docker-compose.
I'm ruunign Lizmap 3.6.0
docker exec -ti lizmap-docker-compose-lizmap-1 …
I am trying to install Open-CSP as a proof of concept along with some other MediaWiki "flavors", but I am getting an error when trying to install.
My system is:
Ubuntu 22.04
PHP 8.1.30
**Is your feature request related to a problem?**
Documentation is lacking regarding migration path and usage.
**What solution would you like?**
Provide the following information
* How to migra…
This is about to enforce the following policy decided recently (https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDLSITE-6087).
> Policy: Require formal namespaces for any new PHP files
> Since 19th June 2020, …
Hi @BrianHenryIE
We are facing an issue using your library with the `symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer`, as the `/Resources/stubs/Normalizer.php` extended class shows like this:
class No…