These are some thoughts I have on ways in which current keybind and macro systems can be improved. It's based on my own experience with other programs (most notably Vim and Mutt) as well as questions …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Set urls-source to some "ttrss" instance
2. Start newsbeuter and wait a while
3. Run reload-all
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
newbeuter -v
**Nenewsboat 2.18.0 - https://newsboat.org/
Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Andreas Krennmair
Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Alexander Batischev
Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Newsbeuter contributor…
**Newsbeuter version (copy from `newsbeuter -v`)**:
Compilation date/time: Dec 7 2015 04:47:17
System: Linux 4.8.13-1-ARCH (x86_64)
Compiler: g++ 5.3.0
ncurses: ncurses 6.0.20161224 (compiled wit…
ghost updated
7 years ago
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Open the Jan. 3 post of http://rjlipton.wordpress.com/feed
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
newsbeuter segfaults. I've attached a log a…
Hi All,
I'm using the current [head](https://github.com/akrennmair/newsbeuter/commit/34aaaaf25910024c0337cb6c3c3f6056595a71e3). The issue is all in the subject, it looks like a bug to me, but perhaps…
Two issues concerning "reload all":
1/ if I add a feed to my ttrss, I have to quit and restart newsbeuter for it to
be taken into account. Therefore "reload all" should reload categories first to…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Adding the main groklaw rss feed
(http://www.groklaw.net/backend/GrokLaw.rss) and loading all new articles.
2. Going into the feed and trying to load any…
_Devendra Ghate on 2014-03-23T14:57:44Z says:_
Presently on my system (Archlinux/xterm/zsh) with the latest version of VIT, with 80 tasks in the pending queue. Here is what htop shows:
Process …
While I love Newsb{oat,euter}, syncing updates with my TinyTinyRSS server always has been a lot of pain. A quick overview of what I've noticed so far, in the past few months to years (note that I'm of…