Lots of these to be fixed.
/disk/lif2/bwgref/git/nustar-gen-utils/nustar_gen/wrappers.py:55: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
if bgd_reg is not 'None':
The current version uses an out-of-date version of the get_sun_position code. We want to update that to use the get_skyfield_position code along with using the NuSTAR TLE to account for parallax corre…
The convert_nustar_time.pro script does a very simple conversion from the timestamp in the events into "UTC" time. This is actually not "UTC" time, but is instead "Terrestrial Time", which doesn't acc…
I'm trying to rebin a CPDS (below), and am encountering issues with the geometric rebinning option. I've tried 1.03, 1.001, and 1.0001, and got the same plot all three times. Attached is the…
Need to add a set of initialization scripts and a README that users can follow to set up their environments so that IDL knows about this analysis tree.
...right now it's not really clear how it's supposed to be called, since the example nuskybgd.pro script has not been updated to include calls to this script.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 413 (Request Entity Too Large)
I just tried rebinning a NuSTAR light curve including gaps encoded in GTIs, and the behaviour of the rebinned light curve was pretty unexpected (see attached plot). I'm suspecting that there's a bug i…
I'm having some problems with FTPClient on two Windows 10 computers (desktop and laptop) as well as my Ubuntu VM. I'm not sure why this started happening, since none of the modules or their dependenci…
...needs to be updated to match with the latest API