const ogImage = `${$page.url.origin}/og${$page.url.pathname}`;
where `origin` is always `http://sveltekit-prerender` during prerender
[Open Graph meta tags](https://ogp.me/) provide useful information to sites looking to embed posts from your site. Information such as the title, author, publication date, etc.. are already present in…
I have a React app running with SSR.
When I `import WebFontLoader from 'webfontloader'` the SSR crashes with `window is not defined`.
Would it make sense to add a check for `typeof window !== 'u…
An error occurred
Application error
Exception information:
Message: Failed to load symbol 'Polycast_Filter_ImageSize_Configuration_Interface'. If this symbol was recently add…
### Verify canary release
- [X] I verified that the issue exists in the latest Next.js canary release
### Provide environment information
Operating System:
Platform: darwin
Innei updated
5 months ago
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When you share a link on a social media platform like Twitter, Facebook, Discord, etc, it generates an image preview of the page using OpenGraph Protocol links. An example of this is the GitHub previe…
Hello Support team!
In versions prior to 9.7 of the plugin, you could add a url (not a "media library" file) to the Facebook or Twitter box if you wanted a custom image for each post or page. Yeste…