Linking to specific tabs doesn't work right now. E.g. `https://opensnp.org/snps/rs7903146#plos` should take you to the PLOS-paper tab, but that doesn't work.
Same is true for linking to a users pe…
I was thinking about speedups and realised something:
Does anybody even use the user-alleles tab on that page? People are maybe interested in their own allele…
After running
`pip install -r requirements.txt`
Everything looks fine:
> Requirement already satisfied: appdirs==1.4.3 in /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
It costs [$0.15 to visit openSNP in Canada on a mobile device.](https://whatdoesmysitecost.com/test/170425_XY_db0cc54d61b0243bdc82d6f4f763207d#usdCost)
Here are some recommendations on how to reduc…
I assume this is because it uses GrCh38 as reference, and there the name of the mitochondrial genome is chrM, not MT,
Possible solution: have a rake task that replaces all MT with chrM, and change…
I'm getting this error when starting nginx:
App 595 stdout:
App 595 stderr: *** ERROR ***: Cannot execute /usr/bin/ruby2.2: No such file or directory (2)
[ 2017-06-02 02:52:01.3922 532/7f1a…
The INSTALL.md should give a comprehensive run on how to install a development version of openSNP on your end. We're looking for feedback: Where does the documentation fall short or is just plain wron…
None of the main contributors to openSNP is a native speaker. So there'll be lots of typos and/or grammatical sins in the texts on our website. Looking through those and fixing them would be great.
That's another weird bug:
The flash messages that should pop up to signal success/warnings/failures don't work in production. A simple way to see this is trying to go to `https://opensnp.org/signu…
There was a [complaint about the lack of transparency on who's behind openSNP](https://twitter.com/usethespacebar/status/868944361060421632). Right now we only have a small paragraph on that [in our F…