I just lost a round as a lich wizard on metastation because right as I died, right as I hit the RISE button to respawn, the chaplain walks up to me and soulstones me, and I can't respawn. Why the fuck…
opentx 2.1
After some openrcforums posts I start a request here.
I have a Taranis B01 and have SWR with any 2.0.x version. But NO SWR values with 2.1 that not seems normal!?
Is it known? I found n…
While this might be considered funny or intentional, it leaves you with an option where you're basically dead and can be ignored for the rest of the game. There's no way to escape this, even as a xeno…
WJohn updated
9 years ago
If I do a full sync from HearthStats for a deck that has a v1.0, v1.1, and v2.0, it will pull the v1.0 twice and v1.1, leaving me without the most recent version of the deck. If there's no v1.1, it ju…
Some Players kill they self if they unfreeze, that's unfair.
So let's say someone sends you a message a month ago, and you didn't reply. Then they send you another message today
It will still say "one month ago" for both of the messages
Good evening.As for Ulduar,Mixed up numbers in the table script_text.
Here an example:
General Vezax.http://ru.wowhead.com/npc=33271
SAY_AGGRO = -1603350,
SAY_SLAY_1 = -1603351,
ghost updated
11 years ago
Create the controller for customers.
It should return all the views that is associated with customers.
ghost updated
12 years ago
Compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 9 2008
mysql 5.1.55 libraies
CORE revision number: 11207 hash: 30916fd9ffaf
Database: TDB 335.11.36
Patches: None
2011-02-13 08:11:49 Script named …
click updated
13 years ago
In Matt 2:16 it translates the greek word empaizó as "triffled with." This is an old fashioned translation. http://strongsnumbers.com/greek/1702.htm
Perhaps "tricked" or "outmanuvered"?
Other tra…