Cluster-wide automatic cpu profiling can be enabled via cluster setting [1]. There are multiple use-cases, including (manual) performance debugging, and profile-guided optimization [2].
Ideally, th…
[UAMD-Net: A Unified Adaptive Multimodal Neural Network for Dense Depth
I'm not sure if this is even possible (And if not, I'm not complaining since OnStar doesn't even provide public APIs to begin with), but is there any way to poll vehicle status? I know it's easy to se…
## タイトル: KISS-Matcher: 高速かつ堅牢な点群レジストレーションの再考
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2409.15615
## 概要:
## タイトル: PocoLoco:ゆったりとした衣服を着た人間の形状を表現する点群拡散モデル
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.04249
## 概要:
Hi, what's your test data "*.h5" order? Are you following the test.list? Why did you rename them from "0000.h5" to "1199.h5"?
[Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) is an open-source container orchestration system.
Using Kubernetes, a cluster of machines can be tasked with running a container on a specified task ("Job"). F…
## タイトル: ファウンデーションモデルを用いた訓練不要のアダプターによる、3D少数ショットクラス逐次学習
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2410.09237
## 概要:
3D 点群処理における深層学習の最近の進歩は、3D コンピュータビジョンにおける Few-Shot クラス逐次学習 (FSCIL) への関心を高めています。本稿では、3D 点群環境におけ…
Dear Opt,
I tried to implement Kinematic ICP with Opt, as you may aware that Kinematic graph have uneven graph lengths for different paths. So I implemented an even graph by putting dummy variables…