Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/123456/Desktop/PointNet/pointnet_pytorch-master_lingzhang1/show3d_balls.py", line 19, in
First of all, thank you for your work.
In the context of a concrete application for my thesis subject I would like to test your PVN3D code. However, I encounter a problem that I can't c…
Hello, I followed the instructions in README.md, but when I run the train_tracking.py, there is nothing output. It has stopped when importing Pointnet_Tracking from pointnet2.modules.
My conda env i…
Hi, thank you for your great contribution.
I am trying to train PTv3 for my data, which exhibits a large variety in density for a significant number of points (500,000+, indoor scenes). I trained bo…
在您的描述中:自编码器可以把CAD模型编码为潜在向量z;然后可以利用PointNet ++编码器训练它将M的点云表示编码为相同的潜在向量z。
这里我有点不太懂:自编码器的输入是CAD模型的命令序列,而PointNet ++的输入是点云,他们两个为什么能编码为相同的潜在向量呢?
Thanks for the great work.
Can you open-source the code for pointnet++?
Are the segmentation IoU *per-class* or *per-instance*, for the example segmentation code for PointNet++ and DGCNN ?
Do you have any ideas with feeding x,y,z coordinates with r,g,b color information into the network?
T-Net is used to guarantee the rotational invariance of pointnet, etc. But I can`t find T-Net in PointNetSetAbstraction or PointNetSetAbstractionMsg, anyone can tell where it is.
I ran the notebook "05_pointnet_modeling.ipynb" and I get the error:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> OSError …