I wanted to share a zine I made with pollen, that would not have been possible without all the incredible tips shared here in `pollen-users`. If this is too off-topic for this list I can r…
according to ITF2, in paragraphs E.2-**prohis** (Propagation History) and E-4-**acclin** (Accession Lineage, in the same document also called Accession _Parent_), for seed propagation we should be abl…
JQuery ajax function and pollen ajax are not identical, I can't seem to get pollen's ajax function to work with a certain library. Anyway, jQuery's ajax function is JQuery.ajax() and specifies 'type':…
Hi, I'm wanting to use Pollen to generate math-heavy material for a website. It seems that the best way to do this at the moment is to keep the maths in LaTeX using KaTeX to generate the maths output …
This isn’t a support question, just an idle question that I’m throwing out there in case anyone has insight.
Any given `pollen.rkt` is basically a kind of one-way map of marked-up text → x-expressi…
Occurs when object of type `site` is passed to the function:
> "Beef*" %>%
+ neotoma::get_site() %>%
+ neotoma::get_dataset(datasettype = "pollen")
The API call was successful, you hav…
Such as I want to render https://github.com/otherjoel/try-pollen.git into a single document(such as try-pollen.pdf) to include all chapters of document.
My pollen module was working just fine yesterday, but now it is stuck on "Loading..."
I have not changed the configuration since first getting it to work.
As A Researcher I want to request pollen sample from a specific specimen so that I can study pollen morphology and anomalies.
In GitLab by @jdanish on May 5, 2021, 07:04