When run over tens of thousands of years, landscape evolution can create lasting depressions on topography. In nature, these depressions can be breached in a relatively short time (a few hundreds to t…
The game is limited to only one level, we should add some😀😀.
**Info (please complete the following information):**
- The_Vault Version 1.5
This is just a list of various things I've found to either be underpriced, overpriced, or unintentional oversights wit…
#### Issue description:
Using Redstone on a controller to turn on and off the Rs system results in a grid that takes a few seconds to turn on. If durring that few seconds the player opens the grids i…
This article covers the various states of ore through its processing chain, the various types of ingots that it is eventually made into, and the specific operation of the ore processing machi…
Provide a simple implementation of the CSS Grid module to replace the flex grid.
- [ ] Move the current flex grid to a separate package, for backwards compatibility.
- [ ] Mark the flex grid as o…
# CoMPAS project proposal to LF Energy v1.0 – 24 April 2020
## General information
### Name of project
**CoMPAS** - **Co**nfiguration **M**odules for **P**ower industry **A**utomation **S**y…
So how do I start this? It's pretty self-explanatory... Anyway, the way it would work is it would make a sphere out of glass (size depending on the tier and maybe a setting inside of it?). the glass w…
At this moment the network calculation is done in five steps:
1. Merit order calculation on total supply and demand per hour, including all flex options.
2. LV net hourly sum supply and demand, re…
I'm not sure how difficult it will be to make this tech/tool agnostic