# 2019 회고 | Developer B
2019 년도는 많은 것을 해내진 못했지만 터닝 포인트가 많은 해였다.
Survey Requirements here: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1649462024834
- This survey will be available to eligible participants who are >= 270 days(9 months) post verification and will be released pr…
[link to post](https://sooctosnake.github.io/student_october//2023/09/09/tri2-indivisualreview.html)
[link to vid](https://www.loom.com/share/b40b22e13f1a45fca0b765c405612bed?sid=d67d7ce6-bc65-40a8-a…
### Coursework content
Reflect on the PD session and describe how futurespective technique is different from retrospective. Write a 250-word essay on your thoughts. Try to answer the following ques…
Aditya Nawandhar, Rohin Sood, Parav Salaniwal
# [Project Overview](https://divorced-coders.github.io/divorce-analysis-frontend/stocks)
- **Goal:** Analyze stock data for 2022 and allow users to …
# main topics - issues
- ## #10
- ## #9
- Production data update
- Datacite versioning details
- Periodic updates and map it to versioning
CS76 updated
2 months ago
`Description:` Create a presentation slide to resume Sprint 1: Week 1-2.
`Definition of done:` This issue is considered as done when there's a slide presentation containing the following to…