Add a Disassembler that can create `Ronin::ASM::Instruction`s using [ffi-uids86](https://github.com/sophsec/ffi-udis86#readme).
Please report here any errors you encounter, any questions you have, or any feedback you want to give. For specific bugs, consider creating a separate issue for it. Thanks.
Add a `Ronin::Support::Network::Defang::Mixin` module with `defang_*` and `refang_*` instance methods.
`ronin netcat` should also support connecting to or opening websockets. Use the [async-websocket](https://socketry.github.io/async-websocket/guides/getting-started/index.html) gem.
I'm having a problem trying to use the `ronin splitter` on python version 3.10.4.
The error message is:
`AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'`
I think …
The bcrypt-ruby gem has changed its name to just bcrypt. Instead of
installing `bcrypt-ruby`, you should install `bcrypt`. Please u…
Hello Ronin,
How are you? I want to convert your library to ESP32. If possible can you help me in the case.
`!address ronin:123` will change scholars payout address
When you search for a flexible attribute it is not clear if the value is empty or undefined:
dfc@ronin:~/0xRepos/Audio$ beet list sometagthatimadeup:|head
/Passenger - Wicked Man’s Rest - Wicked …