How do I download in the Ruby on Rails YAML format available in the UI?
Ever since we upgraded our Rails app to Rails `7.2`, we have been experiencing a random `raise ArgumentError, "'secret_key_base' for #{Rails.env} environment must be a type of String"` error in our CI…
## Descrição da vaga
Procuramos pessoa desenvolvedora Ruby on Rails Júnior ou Pleno, organizada, antenada em novas tecnologias, disposta a aprender e compartilhar conhecimentos.
A Fractal é uma d…
Can I use Leapstrap with ruby on rails?
¿cual era el nombre del servicio que recomendaste para intentar subir imágenes?.
We are 2 persons working on this project @AbdelazizSoliman @Peter-Dumbari
We need to set up Ruby on Rails with all the dependencies
- [ ] Install rails App
- [ ] Set up the database with Postgres
- [ ] database.yml file
- [ ] Add development dependencies
In the Ruby SDK, `WorkOS::UserManagement.load_sealed_session` seems to fetch the remote JWKS on every load, adding about 100ms to each authenticated request.
We use Rails and for every authenticate…
I would love to dockerize solid_queue and deploy it on my server.
I already have a custom dockerfile (Dockerfile.worker) with the following:
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1
# This Dockerf…